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Revolutionizing Communication: AI for Speech-Impaired Kids

Over the past few months, I've been programming an AI-enhanced communication device for kids with speech impairments. Here's a look into what I've been up to!

TurboTalk in action

I developed TurboTalk, a web-based app that helps kids and teens with speech impairments engage more easily in conversations with the power of GPT-3.

Currently, people with speech impairments use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices to speak, where they tap words or phrases on a device to form sentences.

AAC device - photo by Speech and Language Kids

Even though technological developments have catalyzed great leaps in assistive technology, AAC devices are still slow and cumbersome. For example, if a kid wanted to ask, "What are we having for breakfast tomorrow?" they would have to find and tap seven individual words. This takes up a lot of time for such a common question.

This issue makes it hard for kid AAC users to initiate and carry on conversations with their friends. It's a primary cause of distress and lack of self-esteem in children and teens with speech impairments.

My main motivation for creating TurboTalk was to improve the social opportunities for children who use AACs. I am the head tutor at Inspired to Learn, a nonprofit organization dedicated to tutoring and mentoring children with Down syndrome. I sympathize with the kids I mentor who struggle to turn their thoughts and ideas into words using their AAC devices.

To alleviate this problem, TurboTalk uses AI to greatly reduce the time it takes for AAC users to compose sentences and produce speech.

TurboTalk's GPT-3 functionality can generate complete sentences from a few keywords. For example, if a kid wanted to say, "I need help. I can't find my shoes" they could tap "help," "find," and "shoes."

TurboTalk in Visual Studio Code

To build the app, I used Vercel's web hosting service and the OpenAI API to stream GPT responses into my app's user interface. The client-side front end was programmed with NextJS Javascript and Typescript. The back end was structured according to the Vercel AI Completions SDK.

I submitted TurboTalk to the 2023 Congressional App Challenge. You check out my video here!

TurboTalk's use of AI has incredible potential to transform high-tech communication for the millions of kids and teens who rely on it.

Stay tuned for more AI project updates!

Follow Inspired to Learn on Instagram at @inspiredtolearn.inspires

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